Combined Major Cooldowns

Combined Major Cooldowns


Combined dynamic group based on weakauras made by: So Tilted, Buds and Sinforlife.

Includes following abilities:

  • Ashen Hollow

  • Anti Magic Zone

  • Ancestral Protection Totem

  • Aura Mastery

  • Blessing of Sacrifice

  • Blessing of Freedom

  • Blessing of Protection

  • Blessing of Spellwarding

  • Darkness

  • Holy Word: Salvation

  • Divine Hymn

  • Vampiric Embrace

  • Guardian Spirit

  • Power Infusion

  • Pain Suppression

  • Power Word: Barrier

  • Tranquility

  • Ironbark

  • Innervate

  • Stampeding Roar

  • Revival

  • Life Cocoon

  • Tiger's Lust

  • Earthern Wall Totem

  • Spirit Link Totem

  • Healing Tide Totem

  • Wind Rush Totem

  • Shroud of Concealment

  • Rallying Cry

  • Time Dilation