Combustion Quality

Combustion Quality



- 不只可以统计燃烧内炎爆和风暴的数量,还可以统计质量(是否吃到纪律严明、吃到几层熔岩瀑流),当未装备纪律严明时不统计纪律严明

- 自动获取熔岩瀑流导灵器等级和是否装备纪律严明,根据炎爆术或烈焰风暴出手时吃到的熔岩瀑流和纪律严明buff(如果有的话)计算炎爆术或烈焰风暴质量

- 斜杠前面为有效炎爆术或烈焰风暴数,后面为打出的炎爆术或烈焰风暴总量

Compatible with Warcraft version 9.0.5, WeakAuras version 3.2.1

- count Pyroblast and Flamestrike when Combustion is active

- quality will be lower if a Pyroblast or Flamestrike is not affected by Disciplinary Command or Infernal Cascade

eg: cast a Pyroblast when you have only 1 stack of Infernal Cascade (200ilvl) and no Disciplinary Command, this Pyroblast will count as 1/1.126/1.2=0.74

for Disciplinary Command increases 20% crt damage

get rank of Infernal Cascade automatically (200ilvl increases 12.6% fire damage)

- view previous Combustion Quality when Combustion in cooldown