Everything you need 4 FITE !!! Optimized for PVE.
Discord contact: Nap#7746
Preview video: https://youtu.be/bej26RkChlo (older version, feel free to contact me if you want to see your video here)
Instead of updating WA, please delete all and reimport it, people reported that the update feature is buggy
If you are playing on a private server (3.3.5) then use the latest WeakAuras-WotLK AddOn [ https://github.com/Bunny67/WeakAuras-WotLK/archive/refs/heads/master.zip ]. You will need the latest 4.X version.
Features :
- Basic CD/Combo point/energy/bleed/buff tracking
- Glowing reminder for expiring main buffs/debuffs
- Rip shred refresh counter
- Rip bleedpower : the potential of a new rip compared to the applied one, cutting 5pts rips is only done on very rare occasions (Unholy Frenzy, Rune of Power in Ulduar etc…). But it helps visualize how your buffs impact your bleedings so sometimes you should wait for a trinket to proc etc…
- Mangle debuff tracking compatible with bear mangle and warrior's trauma
- Target threat meter
- Externals : Hysteria/Salv/ToT/Innervate reminder/etc…
- Optional Bearweaving aura group
- Energy is shown even when in other forms
- Basic Bear ability tracking
Frequently asked Questions:
Why won’t this WeakAura load?
You need at least one point in Predatory Strikes for this WeakAura to load. Everything is tied to the [CAT] Energy bar aura, so if you hide/change it, everything else will be impacted.
Countdown numbers are overlaping like this:
disable Show Numbers for Cooldowns in Settings>Action Bars
uncheck countdown text for EACH AURA in display section, usually it's something like %p, you can uncheck "Show Text" or delete the text with the red cross: https://i.imgur.com/lsjRLW8.png
I still have a question or a request
Please ask in comments or directly on Discord: Nap#7746
Special Thanks:
- Kovachut for it's excellent insight and theorycrafting about WotLK Feral Cat, you can read his work https://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=448207 , thank you for all of your time you've spent in the layers of this complex gameplay.
- https://wago.io/p/shoggoth for great ideas and advices on how to get things done!
- The Classic WotLK discord for lots of good feedback and ideas: https://discord.gg/SMwmrBV
- Countless people that contacted me or left a comment here with feedback and suggestions, thank you all
Things to come:
- positioning warning
- display timers based on GetCVar('countdownForCooldowns')
- auto ask salv
- option switch icon<>bars
- swing timer
- unify normal/active auras
How can I support your work?
If you wish to help me there are multiple solutions:
- contact me for suggestions/feedback
- copy, modify, add and share your creations.