Cooldown Reminder - Kuro

Cooldown Reminder - Kuro


This Weakaura puts a nice looking cooldown reminder next to your character.

Works for all specializations, covenants, trinkets + potions!

It is inspired by Ayije, who did this for his priest.

Classes included yet:

- Monk

- Priest

- Shaman

- Warrior

I am working on the other classes as well and I am experimenting with some display lengths.

It starts to tell you "ready in x" at 6 seconds and the text converts to "ready" for 2 seconds if the specific spell/action is usable again. After the 2 second reminder the icon and text will disappear. I added all abilites, covenant abilities, trinkets and potions.

If you donĀ“t need to track a specific cooldown just change the load conditions to "never" for the specific weakaura.

If you miss something let me know!