Goal: Print a simple count to the screen of the number of user described "Critical Debuffs" to assist players in determining if they're at risk of pushing off a Critical Debuff by applying a new one.
Status: Phase 1 Complete. Open up the Actions tab of the WA to access the array of the white listed debuffs and change based upon your raid's determined needs.
Future: Phase 2 aims to check all debuffs against a black list, and if there's any offenders, print the list of active black listed debuffs and who applied them to the screen. The intent is if you see people knowingly applying debuffs on this list your raid has determined they SHOULDN'T, you can determine immediately what is going on, and approach them about correcting their behavior.
Known Issues: This method doesn't handle Annihilator/Nightfall very well, as it's just checking the current active buffs (checked any time the user's target changes or the enemy target's auras change), referencing an array of user input debuff string names, and printing a simple counter. If you have an Annihilator/Nightfall in your raid, it's only going to increment the counter when the debuff is active, which doesn't really accomplish the goal of telling potential debuffers how many open slots there may be. This is true of any debuffs that don't have guaranteed uptime (such as the Improved Shadow Bolt talent). I have an idea of how to fix it, but it may not work and it's not currently implemented. Sorry!
Also, your raid's debuffs are not set up in this, please configure it under Actions.
Note 1: "Shadow Vulnerability" is the name of both Improved Shadow Bolt talent debuff and the Shadow Weaving talent debuff. It should still count both if they're up, however, but it feels important to mention.
Note 2: It's set to print "n / 15" because of the "Phantom Debuff". Behind the scenes, every aura has a unique ID, and a part of this is to capture who applied the debuff. As a result, if there are 16 auras on the target, and a Warlock has their Improved Shadow Bolt debuff active, then another Warlock crits and applies theirs, the game will actually push a debuff of similar priority off the stack to open up room, then delete the original Imp SB debuf, then apply the new one. This behavior occurs for many different debuffs that can be refreshed/applied by multiple people. The best you can do is anticipate the 16th slot for the Phantom Debuff and mitigate the potential push of a critical path debuff.
Note 3: I'm not a programmer by any means, so pardon if my code sucks! I'm also super strapped for time in life right now, so progress on updates is likely to be slow. Sorry about that, but I still appreciate feedback, suggestions and bug reports!
Good luck with your C'thun loot, friends!