Dank's Totem Timers - [Resto Shaman]

Dank's Totem Timers - [Resto Shaman]


Dank's WA Totem Timers - [Resto Shaman]

Simple progress bar timers used to track both the active time and cooldown of all totems available to Restoration Shamans.

When you drop a totem, a progress bar will appear with the icon of the totem, appropriately colored progress bar, and timer for the active duration. Once the totem is no longer active, the bar will turn grey and a countdown timer will begin until it usable again. The active group should always show the most recently dropped totem first (appearing on bottom) but afterwards sorts itself by which totem has the lowest cooldown time remaining.

I find this to be very helpful when engaged in combat, specifically for tracking active totem duration in PvP scenarios.

Following Totem's Supported:

Earthen Wall Totem (aurabar)

Capacitor Totem (aurabar)

Earthbind Totem (aurabar)

Earthgrab Totem (aurabar)

Healing Stream Totem (aurabar)

Healing Tide Totem (aurabar)

Spirit Link Totem (aurabar)

Tremor Totem (aurabar)

Grounding Totem (aurabar)

Counterstrike Totem (aurabar)

Skyfury Totem (aurabar)