I recommend importing my auras weakaura since I use both in conjunction with one another :D Also feel free to use my ElvUI profile which will be linked below as well!
Auras: https://wago.io/kIEKrmpPN
ElvUI: https://wago.io/RNZWV7iAP
Updating almost daily with small tweaks I'm making while I progress in Vault of the Incarnates. Currently optimizing for Mythic Raz
I use an action bar above my player frame to track interrupt, rop, leg sweep, tigers lust, roll and touch of death.
I started using Masque to make the borders of the icons look better. Use Masque - Raeli - Square Inset if you want them to look they do in the photo. I also recommend using Clean Icons by AcidWeb, I'll post a link below.