What is this?
This is a Weakaura group which creates new unit frames for player and player target in a style of DB Xenoverse 2
with the aim of eventually including most necessary features from regular unit frames.
I have to be honest here. I do not recommend using these as a regular replacement for unit frames. The aura group does use quite bit of bad practices and weakauras were not intended for this purpose anyway. This aura group was made more of for fun and as practice pretty much.
- This aura requires additional textures: https://drive.google.com/u/3/uc?id=1ixyTKbNeKjzDsokQBze-Sl9m5DJXv57X&export=download
- The link will give you a zip folder which contains a txt file and a folder. Drop the folder from the zip file into the interface folder. (You must restart the game after this)
- If you don't do this, you will be left with green boxes where the textures should be.
- Textures last updated 8th of March 2021 - Required for 1.2.0 and above
- Some parts of the aura may not work properly on non English WoW clients.
Current features:
All frames (Focus, Pet, Player & Target)
- Clickable like your regular unit frames and feature unit portraits
- Raid markers
- Recolorable health bars via Custom Options
Focus, Player & Target frames
- Afk markers
- Subgroup numbers
Player & Target frames
- Buff and debuff trackers
- Raid lead/assist indicators
- Pvp markers
- Current group role
- Ready check marks
- Damage taken/healing received
- Absorb amount (compared to unit max health)
- Current active specialization (Has to be enabled from settings)
Player frame
- Secondary unit power (Arcane Charges/Chi/CP/DK runes/Holy Power/Soul Shards/Essence)
- Rest area indicator
Health bars:
The health bars of the frames can be quite weird at first.
Each full bar represents 20% of unit max health. *
- Bar 0 - White bar = full hp *
- Bar 1 - Blue bar = 99%-80% *
- Bar 2 - Light blue bar = 79%-60% *
- Bar 3 - Green bar = 59%-40% *
- Bar 4 - Yellow bar = 39-20% *
- Bar 5 - Orangish/Slightly different yellow bar? = 19%-0% *
* Only on default settings
- V1.1.2 and latter versions should now properly support group rescaling. Jsut select the whole aura group, select group tab and then set group scale to your desired value.
- Reposition frames via Custom Settings if necessary
- You're done.
How to Install:
- Extract the DBXenoFrame folder from the zip file
- Drop the folder into Interface folder ("World of Warcraft\Retail\Interface")
- Reboot WoW (Otherwise WoW will not see the texture files and you're left with green mess)
- Copy the import string from wago.io and paste it into Weak Auras.
- You're done.
To Do:
- Simplify the health bar settings
- Add support for DH souls and frost mage icicles
- Reduce the aura count of the group
- Add indicators for summoning state
- Add indicators for pending ress
- Change elite, rare and rare elite markers
- Probably quite many necessary features I just have forgotten about
- Clean up the aura script
Known issues:
- Enabling target Specialization breaks target gear inspecting
- Pet portrait causes a lua error on login and UI reload
- Player and target assist marks use rest icon instead of assist icon. v1.2.2 - 1.3.1 Fixed in 1.3.2
- Target and focus frame repositioning via Custom Settings is broken. v1.1.2 Fixed in 1.1.3
- Group scaling doesn't work for target and focus frame. v?? to 1.1.1 Fixed in 1.1.2
- Player frame disappears when player dies Fixed in 1.0.25
- Canceling target while in combat results in a message "Interface action failed because of an AddOn" Fixed in 1.0.22