Dëlix Monk UI

Dëlix Monk UI


This UI was created with inspiration from Birg's Monk UI ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9MkvB49v1w ).

To get the full effect from it; 3 additional texture files are required to display the class specialization icons. You can download the zip file here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/gj3orke1dzlmr9s/media.7z?dl=0

Unzip the file and copy the "media" folder to your World of Warcraft Interface directory. The path should look similar to this C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\media\*.tga

Installation Guide : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xx-13OgLMxE

The purpose of these WA are primarily to create a pleasing and interesting UI. For cooldown/buff tracking please install these additional WA groups :

Dëlix Monk CD1: https://wago.io/r1mQGRwUW

Dëlix Monk CD2: https://wago.io/By5WBZ_UW

Dëlix Monk CD3: https://wago.io/BJBEHbuIZ

Last Update : 28/07/2017


-New ISB Charge tracking

-Handful of new animations

-Enhanced visibility for others


-Replaced Spell Name with Spell ID whenever possible (exceptions Soothing Mist, Fists of Fury, Crackling Jade Lightning).

-Made Mistweaver animations smaller.

-various miscellaneous fixes


-Target HP shouldn't display a variable anymore when a target dies.

-Target Power should now display for all Specilizations but ONLY in combat.

-Target Power is now a Progress Texture and not a Progress Bar to fit with the rest of the UI.

-Chi changed model for better visibility.

-Added % Mana display for Mistweaver at the bottom of the class orb.

-The WA Group shouldn't load in Pet Battles anymore.



This is a collection of 83 auras:

Monk Background (texture)

Monk Health deficit 2 (progresstexture)

Monk Castbar (progresstexture)

Monk Castbar 2 (progresstexture)

Player HP (text)

Target HP (text)

Target Power (progresstexture)

Brewmaster (texture)

Brewmaster 2 (progresstexture)

Brewmaster 3 (model)

Brewmaster 4 (model)

Brewmaster Player (progresstexture)

Brewmaster Target (progresstexture)

Ironskin Brew (aurabar)

Keg Smash (model)

Keg Smash 2 (model)

Breath of Fire 3 (model)

Breath of Fire 2 (model)

Breath of Fire 1 (model)

Niuzao (model)

Expel Harm (model)

Zen Meditation (model)

Fortifying Brew (model)

ISB 3 (progresstexture)

ISB 3.2 (progresstexture)

ISB 2 (progresstexture)

ISB 2.2 (progresstexture)

ISB 1 (progresstexture)

ISB 1.2 (progresstexture)

ISB Spark (progresstexture)

ISB Spark 2 (progresstexture)

ISB Spark 3 (progresstexture)

ISB Spark 4 (progresstexture)

ISB Glow (model)

ISB Glow 2 (model)

ISB Glow 3 (model)

Mistweaver (texture)

Mistweaver 2 (progresstexture)

Mistweaver 3 (model)

Mistweaver 4 (model)

Mistweaver 5 (text)

Mistweaver Player (progresstexture)

Mistweaver Target (progresstexture)

Soothing Mist (model)

Life Cocoon (model)

Effuse (model)

Enveloping Mist (model)

Renewing Mist (model)

Revival (model)

Fortifying Brew 2 (model)

Teaching of the Monastery (texture)

Teaching of the Monastery 2 (texture)

Teaching of the Monastery 3 (texture)

ChiJi (model)

Thunder Focus Tea (model)

Mana Tea (model)

Windwalker (texture)

Windwalker 2 (progresstexture)

Windwalker 4 (model)

Windwalker 3 (model)

Windwalker Player (progresstexture)

Windwalker Target (progresstexture)

Storm, Earth, and Fire (progresstexture)

Flying Serpent Kick (model)

Fists of Fury (model)

Touch of Karma (model)

Touch of Death (model)

Touch of Death 2 (model)

Serenity (model)

Xuen (model)

Diffuse Magic (model)

Dampen Harm (model)

Rising Sun Kick (model)

Leg Sweep (model)

Blackout (model)

Tiger Palm (model)

Crackling Jade Lightning (model)

Paralysis (model)

Chi (model)

Chi 2 (model)

Chi 3 (model)

Chi 4 (model)

Chi 5 (texture)