Destruction Warlock - Legion 7.2.5 - progress bar based

Destruction Warlock - Legion 7.2.5 - progress bar based


This is a collection of 30+ auras creating cooldown bars for all relevant DPS spells.

Generally a green bar means the spell is available and should be prioritized. A blue bar is a duration or cooldown. Spells with charges (eg. Dimensional Rift, Conflagrate) have one single bar split into the number of charges. Chaos Bolt bar shows the number of soul shards and ticks for each Chaos Bolt that can be cast. It also has a small Eradication Duration sub-bar that shows when eradication is active.

Update 1/7:

- Added support for tier 19 4-set bonus. (2/3 charges for conflagrate)

- Added havoc (borrowed from Not's addon

- More consistent coloring. Available spells are green - cooldown black, timers blue.

My spec:

The Bars:

- Immolate: Green when ready to cast, blue on duration, red when near end.

- Empowered Life Tap: Green when ready to cast, blus on duration, red nead end.

- Conflagration: 2/3 charges (depending on T19 4-set). Each charge green when ready to cast, blue when recharging.

- Chaos Bolt: Ticks show number of bolts available. Green when ready to cast. (based on number of available soul shards)

- Dimensional Rift: Ticks show number of rifts available. Each rift is green when ready to cast. Blue when recharging.

- Channel Demonfire: Green when ready to cast. Blue when recharging.

- Guardian / Grimmoire: Imp / Soul Harvest: Burst DPS Bars. Green when ready to cast. Blue on cooldown.

- Havoc: Purple when ready to cast. Blue on Cooldown.