Dhars Character Panel

Dhars Character Panel


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If you have feedback, join my Discord https://discord.gg/EJBapD9qB8 and let me know.


Please read this info, it teaches you how everything works.

The automated alerts you're seeing identified by Wago are mostly because this is a clickable WA, which is frowned upon in the WA land.


- Delete any old versions of "Dhars Character Panel" before importing the Wrath of the Lich King version. After importing, /reload the game to initialize the WA.

Warning: If you need to move the WA, go to 'PaperDollAnchor > Display & adjust using X & Y offsets. Moving it any other way breaks it.

Wrath of the Lich King version: What's new?

- It's now an all-in-one WA that supports all classes & specs. It will detect your spec based on your talents or raid role.

- Added Dual Specialization button to quickly switch your talents.

- Cleaned up the WA to make it lighter/easier to interact with.


- Activates when character panel is open.

- Every consumable, Raid Buff, & Gear Sets (GS1-4) are clickable, meaning you can click the text directly to use the desired consumable, or click on a missing raid buff to send a chat message, asking for the buff.

Click the text of the buff you're missing to send a /raid message. Example: "Missing: Mark of the Wild".

- Shows item count of consumables in your bags when not they aren't active - changes to show timer when the consumable is used.

- Color Code: Red-Inactive | Green-Active | Orange-Low Duration.

- Dual Specialization button (bellow your bottom trinket). You can click it to switch your spec.


- Buffs are designed to track the highest ranks of spells, if you don't see a buff active, it means you have a low level rank of that buff on you.

- Rogues: click your Main-Hand & Off-Hand weapons to use Instant Poison. Shift+click to use Deadly Poison.

[Equipment Manager]

- Works with Item Rack or the in-game Equipment Manager.

- Four custom slots for the Gear Set of your choice. (These HAVE to be configured first).

[Tutorial for Gear Sets]

1) Create a set in Item Rack or Equipment Manager and name it.

2) Open up your class WeakAura group & and find "Gear Sets".

3) For example: click 'Gear Set 1' > click 'Actions' > Click 'Expand' by the custom code.

4) At the bottom you will find "/itemrack equip"(Item Rack) and "/equipset"(Equipment Manager). Add the name of your Gear Set at the end of the line of the Gear Equiper you're using.

Example: /itemrack equip PvP

Example: /equipset PvP

WA originally Inspired by the guild in TBC