Dimonda/Oldalf mistweaver v0.805

Dimonda/Oldalf mistweaver v0.805


Update v.0805: Added a totem tracker to the left of all the buffs to track the time on chi-ji

update v.0803: Looked it up and apparently sheiluns could be used on lower than 12 so changed that, added a desaturate and fixed rising sun kick to not show cooldown progress twice and

glows when coming of cooldown.

update v.0802: Moved icon 3 pixels to be aligned and set rising sun kick cd to always show

update v.0801: Moved castbar to be more centered and move buff icons above for less ocd. Not reflected in the screenshot

Includes buff tracking for mana tea, thunder focus tea, dampen harm/diffuse magic and fortifying brew and a totem tracker for chi-ji

Cd tracking for rising sun kick and a cd tracker for blackout kick that glows when Teaching of the monastery reaches 3 stacks(only loaded when spirit of the crane is talented)

Includes most major healing and defensive cooldown trackings ( Nothing below 30 second cooldown is tracked). Depending on talent choices some might need to be moved around

to avoid having gaps in the line. All cds should always be visible and desaturate on cooldown.

Sheilun's gift glows at 9 stacks and above and desaturates on 0 stacks

Teachings of the Monastery (icon)

Rising Sun Kick (icon)

Fortifying Brew Buff (icon)

Diffuse Magic Buff (icon)

Dampen Harm Buff (icon)

Thunder Focus Tea Buff (icon)

Mana Tea 2 Buff (icon)

Cast 5 (aurabar)

Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane (icon)

Mana Tea (icon)

Ring of Peace 2 (icon)

Leg Sweep (icon)

Diffuse Magic (icon)

Dampen Harm 2 (icon)

Fortifying brew (icon)

Chi Burst (icon)

Sheilun's Gift (icon)

Thunder Focus Tea (icon)

Revival (icon)

Life Cocoon (icon)