When you or some party members use bloodlust, time warp or something else which giving you %30 haste;
Horde: You will yell as 'For the Horde', and hear Sylvanas shout.
Alliance: You will yell as 'For the Alliance' , I'm sorry for could'n add Anduin’s shout, cause it has background sound. If someone wants it, i can add. Let me know.
You need to download the custom sound file and unzip it to _retail_/interface
Your path should look like World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\Sounds\KD
Sound: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-q2GQg4Ifi8EliXi-cUW1v5oBgOw-tLl/view?usp=sharing
Battle Tag: Discordian#21602
Discord: Discordian - Hakan#5072