disthex- windwalker monk

disthex- windwalker monk


- uses Masque: Trinity for hexagonal icons (icons won't display properly without)

- Emperor's Capacitor tracker added

- Mnejing's hit combo tracker from https://wago.io/B1H8A9P0W

- SEF charges transition to red when nearing 2 charges

- icons change position based on talent build

- chi changes position if Ascension is taken

disthex-windw strike of the windlord (icon)

disthex-windw fists of fury (icon)

disthex-windw rising sun kick (icon)

disthex-windw flying serpent kick (icon)

disthex-windw chi burst (icon)

disthex-windw chi wave (icon)

disthex-windw energizing elixir (icon)

disthex-windw ring of peace (icon)

disthex-windw summon black ox statue (icon)

disthex-windw leg sweep (icon)

disthex-windw roll (icon)

disthex-windw touch of karma (icon)

disthex-windw healing elixir (icon)

disthex-windw diffuse magic (icon)

disthex-windw dampen harm (icon)

disthex-windw touch of death (icon)

disthex-windw whirling dragon punch (icon)

disthex-windw rushing jade wind (icon)

disthex-windw invoke xuen, the white tiger (icon)

disthex-windw hit combo (icon)

disthex-windw hit combo duration (progresstexture)

disthex-windw hit combo stacks & duration (text)

disthex-windw energy (aurabar)

disthex-windw serenity (aurabar)

disthex-windw storm earth and fire (aurabar)

disthex-windw storm earth and fire 2 (aurabar)

wind1 (progresstexture)

wind2 (progresstexture)

wind3 (progresstexture)

wind4 (progresstexture)

wind5 (progresstexture)

wind6 (progresstexture)