Simple WA that shows an icon for a defensive with a timer for Mortal Stoneclaw and Mortal Stoneslam on cast.
Death Knight Priority is:
- Vampiric Blood
- Icebound Fortitude
- Lichborne
- Death strike
Warrior Three separate icons for SR, IP and Defensives. Will suggest Spell Reflection and Ignore Pain for every cast if they are not already up. Defensive priority:
- Shield Wall
- Spell Block
- Last Stand
Brewmaster Has a separate icon for Celestial Brew and one for other defensives:
- Fortifying Brew
- Dampen Harm
- Diffuse Magic
- Zen Meditation
Default if none of the above options are available is simply the Mortal Stoneclaw icon with cast text.
If you prefer another priority for your defensives simply change the order of the triggers for abilities being off cooldown (The first 1-5 depending on number of defensives being tracked).
If you have any suggestions feel free to reach out on Discord: Jetskis#3342