This aura indicates how much Death Strike will heal for, as a percentage of maximum HP.
All of the options can be found in Actions > On Init > Custom:
aura_env.showAbsolute: Set to true to show absolute healing instead of percent.
aura_env.numDecimals: Set the number of decimals for percent display.
aura_env.colors: Add/remove entries in the table to color the text when the prediction reaches certain values.
It takes into account the following:
Damage Taken
Vampiric Blood
Death and Decay with Lana'thel's Lament legendary
Skullflower's Haemostasis legendary
Guardian Spirit
Divine Hymn
2018-07-22 v21: Removed artifact trait related checks and added the Haemostasis talent.
2018-07-19 v20: Update for 8.0 prepatch.
2018-01-23 v19: Better handling for LibArtifactData and switched to wago versioning.
2017-08-09 v3.3: Detect heal increase for GS.
2017-06-23 v3.2: Fixed %% display for newest WA version and fixed Bursting spellid.
2017-06-10 v3.1: Added Quaking and Bursting to excluded spells list.
2017-04-09 v3.0: Added Bone Shield estimation, Skullflower's Haemostasis and Rattlegore Bone Legplates legendaries, Carrion Feast and Skeletal Shattering traits, and two new options (number of decimal places being shown and coloring options).
2017-02-28 v2.6: Leech doesn't affect self heals.
2017-02-02 v2.5: Excluded spellids (Parasitic Fetter and Crushing Grip) that don't add to healing.
2017-01-10 v2.4: Added Protection of Tyr.
2016-10-07 v2.3: Added leech support.
2016-08-28 v2.2: Added Lana'thel's Lament legendary
2016-08-27 v2.1: Added option to display absolute healing