DK -> Ghoul Pet Alerts and Timers

DK -> Ghoul Pet Alerts and Timers


This is a simple WeakAura that provides the following:

  • Raise Dead timer icon for Blood and Frost (with glow and sound near the end)
  • missing pet alerts for Unholy (text and/or icon)
  • Control Undead timer icon plus chat messages when the cast was successful, a reminder every 1 min and when it breaks or is near its maximum duration (the last one is playing a sound)

While moving, it is advisable to move the entire WeakAura first and then move the text afterwards. If you don't need the text or it doesn't strike your fancy just disable it entirely.

This WeakAura plays some sounds and a couple text messages, if you want to change them due to annoyance or conflict with other auras you can find them here:


  • Raise Dead (Blood/Frost) - Condition 3
  • Raise Dead (Unholy) - Condition 1


  • Control Undead Icon - Condition 1-7
  • Control Undead Icon - Actions - On Hide