*** Currently no Assignments pre filled! - check back after PTR! ***
The WeakAura automatically tags trash mobs and, if applicable, bosses within the Icecrown Citadel instance in Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
ToDo for ICC:
- add basic assignments based on focus, priority and so forth
- testing on ptr
You can find the Framework on Github .
Fully functional. Create your own Trash Marking Weakaura by uploading a csv.
Including a full walkthrough all steps.
If you like my work buy me a coffee.
01.09 - published framework with csv-parser v2
30.08. - minor adjustsments on some markings - based on my (poor) experience of ptr perfomance so far
29.08 - CLEU:UNIT_DIED filter, some basic testing, javascript csv parser which builds "subOptions": []
28.08. - Iinitial Icecrown Citadel Push (no assignments)
You can contact me here on wago.io or via
Crontributes Maey Gehennas and Ryts
Fork of https://wago.io/-4-XO5Mst and https://wago.io/WvTWjRwcu