DragonRiding Gold Races Achievement Tracker

DragonRiding Gold Races Achievement Tracker


Tracks your achievement progress towards Dragon Racing Completionist: Gold and the "Isles Racer" title! You will have to get gold on all normal and advanced races.

Tracks completionist achievement progress towards Reverse Racer: Gold. You will have to get gold on all reversed races.

  • Loads when dragonriding and by default will only show uncompleted races in current zone.
  • Shows a gold medal when you have gold on the respective race (gold is only being tracked - winners only!)
  • Option, default on: hide completed races (will be marked green if untoggled)
  • Option, default on: hide races outside your current zone


Race with one single character (Achievements and title is tracked in WOW per character).

To get all achievements you will also have to talk to some NPC's. Don't worry, your progress counts even ahead of taking the quests.

I'm listing quest chains related to the reversed races below, too bad Blizzard decided they don't lead to extra titles :(

Inspired by Romp's Dragon Isles (Super-)Rares Checklist .