Reminder to drink your Fleeting Elemental Potion of Power. An obnoxiously large potion icon appears over your character model when a Fleeting Elemental Potion of Power is available, not on cooldown, you are in a raid, in a raid encounter.
The icon doesn't appear when it's on cooldown and *shouldn't* appear if you don't have one in your bags, but I haven't tested that yet. It does not count down to when the potion will be available. I don't have room in my brain for thinking about potions I don't have to drink yet.
This aura might not be appropriate for people who don't want to drink their potion at pull and then as soon as it's available, because it's pretty big and obnoxious and will annoy you into drinking your potion.
If you use this aura and have ideas for how I can improve it, please leave a comment.