A dashboard for tracking abilities, trinkets, resources, and more!
This WeakAura is a central display of information for Feral Druids. The aura is designed to display energy, rage, combo points, trinket procs, target debuffs, player buffs, and more in a compact and concise manner. Whether you're a staunch mono-cat, tanking as a big ol' bear, or weaving between the two this aura is here to help you perform at your best.
If you are looking for cooldown tracking be sure to checkout the Druid — All — Cooldowns WeakAura.
This aura does use custom fonts. To use these fonts make sure to add the HoloMedia addon to your addons folder. More information can be found at the link.
Ability tracking
- Abilities such as Rip, Rake, or Lacerate are tracked, so you know when the ability is missing from your target and how much time is left while the debuff is up.
- The "Rip" aura includes three Shred icons to let you know how many more duration increases are available.
- Self-applied buffs such as Savage Roar, Survival Instincts, or Berserk are shown while active.
- A notification for Clearcasting and Faerie Fire (Feral) show when the buff is active or the ability is ready, respectively.
- A Swipe aura lets you know how many targets you hit per Swipe (Cat).
Important debuffs
- While in Cat form you'll see a timer for the Mangle debuff on your current target. The aura will also highlight when the debuff is close to falling off and when the debuff is missing. Alternatively, if there is an Arms Warrior in your group with the Trauma talent then the debuff applied by their melee critical strikes is tracked.
Swapping between forms
- Many auras are denoted with a "—Primary" or "— Secondary" suffix. These auras work in conjunction to display ability information in different formats depending on your current form. By default, all secondary auras have a smaller height and font size. For example, in Cat form your Rip, Rake, or Savage Roar timers are displayed larger and more prominently, while in Bear form these same timers are still visible, but smaller.
- Certain abilities track multiple pieces of information. Lacerate, for example, has both a timer and a number of stacks. In this case, only the timer information is displayed in the Lacerate secondary aura. But, never fear, when returning to Bear form the stacks information is displayed once again by the Lacerate primary aura.
- Within their columns, primary and secondary auras are arranged according to your current form.
- All Phase 1, 2, and 3 on-use and proc-based trinkets relevant to the Feral spec are included in the dashboard. Their remaining duration and current stacks (if relevant) are displayed.
- Individual icons are based on the item icon rather than the buff icon to help distinguish trinkets.
- Internal cooldowns for proc-based trinkets are shown after the proc expires or when the trinket is equipped.
- Potion effects are displayed while active.
- The potions tracked include: Haste Potion, Indestructible Potion, Potion of Speed, and Insane Strength Potion.
Enchants and Idols
- Proc-based effects from your equipped Idol are displayed as well as the number of stacks, if relevant.
- To help identify an effect as an idol proc all idol effects are displayed with the Idol of Brutality icon.
- The effects of the Mongoose and Berserking weapon enchants are displayed while active.
Unit information
- While in Cat and Bear form progress bars and numeric values are shown for Energy and Rage, respectively.
- When swapping out of Cat form a secondary energy bar is displayed. This smaller energy bar tracks when your energy will completely refill. Note that this may not be 100 energy. The timer duration depends on the number of points spent in the Furor talent. At 5/5 points spent in Furor the timer will countdown to 85 energy. This 15 energy window accounts for shifting back to Cat form, so as to not lose energy.
- Combo points on your current target are displayed while in Cat form.
- A GCD indicator is displayed at the center of the WeakAura.
If you have questions or concerns feel free to leave a comment here on Wago or through Discord on the WeakAuras Community server.