Druid Resto Minimal HUD Core WLNO

Druid Resto Minimal HUD Core WLNO


A simple minimal HUD for Resto's. For more CDs (Under the HUD in the last Screenshot) look at my Extension.

CD Extension: https://wago.io/BkTuttvRX



Added a minimal Feral HUD. If the Druid is in Cat Form the mana bar switches to a smaller energy bar including combo points and dots on target. If you go out of your stealth mode, the CD will be shown on the left site of the HUD. If you switch out of Cat Form, all bars get invisible and you see only your mana bar.


- Change background color and Switch color in fight

- Replace Lifebloom Bar for Wild Growth Bar and switch the Bar if mana is not enough to cast

- Change Bar color Mushroom

- Moving and customising the Manabar under the HUD

- Moving and customising SotF Bar (only visible if skilled)

- Create Background for twice Swiftment (only visible if skilled)

- Customising the Innervate and Freecast Bar with new frame style

- Create a text when in fight