Dungeon Debuff Alert (Protect Yourself!)

Dungeon Debuff Alert (Protect Yourself!)


This WA creates a mid-screen reminder when you are impacted by a "targeted" debuff that probably demands your attention. Also it calls you an idiot to get your attention. (Translation: I made this because sometimes I would tunnel too much on healing and other people's debuffs and not realize I had a dangerous debuff. This is to get one's attention that they are in a dangerous situation.)

Currently included debuffs:

* DoS - Soporific Shimmerdust stacks >=7, Shadow Word: Pain (Hakkar trash)

* HoA - Curse of Obliteration, Siphon Life

* MotS - Anima Injection, Mistveil Tear, Mistveil Bite

* SoA - Dark Stride (Ventunax Bleed), Burden of Knowledge, Internal Strife