After a successful dungeon run, use this to automatically distribute disenchanted shards and crystals between party members.
Distribute without using rolls
- Start the distribution by typing !get
- Example:
!get 10 Abyss Crystal
- The WeakAura will distribute the item evenly across all party/raid members
- If the item number is not a multiple of the number of party/raid members, it will randomly decide which player gets more/no items
Start trade or wait for your party members to trade you. The Weakaura will automatically put the right amount in the trade window.
Click accept - The Weakaura will NOT automatically accept the trade
Distribute using rolls
- Start logging rolls by typing !roll followed by amount and which item in group chat
- Example:
!roll 3 Large Prismatic Shard
- The Weakaura will announce that everyone should roll now
- Once everyone has /roll'ed, the shards or crystals will be evenly distributed between all party members. The Weakaura will announce the distribution in party chat.
- To stop waiting for rolls and ignore the ones missing, type
Start trade or wait for your party members to trade you. The Weakaura will automatically put the right amount in the trade window.
Click accept - The Weakaura will NOT automatically accept the trade
List of commands
!roll <count> <item>
!get <count> <item>
Check out my other WeakAuras: Dude