Dynamic Paladin Weak Auras for Holy, Protection and Ret.
- Dynamically updates primary and secondary spell bars based on spec. i.e Holy will have their major healing cooldowns on their primary bar, with their DPS abilities on the smaller secondary bar. Ret and Prot is the inverse of this. See picture 1 and 2.
- Tracks important trinket and spell buffs, like vengeance stacks, lights grace, etc
- Tracks internal CDs between shield + avenging wrath, etc
- Includes encounter reminders such prepot
- Tracks external buffs like PI, Mana Tide, Lust etc
- Will flag when beacon drops, or if you don't have a seal or blessing active
- Range check for dps abilities
- GCD animation
- Mutes beacon sound for Holy (praise)
Any feedback or requests please comment or message.
Thanks to Fojji & Falor for the inspiration and help.