Encounter Talent Guide

Encounter Talent Guide


Since I came back for raiding in SoD I was confused, when I have to make a choice about my talents. Each Encounter needs different talent builds. So I wrote this WA for save my chosen build for each Encounter in this raid.

In the custom options you can edit and create new Encounters. You can also set each talent tier (15 to 50). For the Druid (2nd raid week) I made a personal build of each encounter for all encounters in SoD. To make it easier I replaced the druid talents just into 1, 2 and 3. 1 is your left talent in that tier, 2 is the middle one and 3 the right one. So there you can copy & paste that WA in the dynamic group and set your talents for each spec and class. You still have to set the loading options for each spec / class.

How it works:

When you get an encounter in your target, the talents will popup. If you picked a wrong talent, it will been shown with a red border and the correct talent (the name of it) is visible at the right border. When you come into a fight, the talents will go away.