Encrypted Relic Damage Breakdown

Encrypted Relic Damage Breakdown


Built a bar representation of who killed what relic. Details Required.


Select how long the bars are displayed.

Show All Relics in a pack or just killed relic.

Show Player names by bars.

Show Damage values near bars.

Output to chat:

Damage to all relics in a pack or just the relic that was killed.

Announce to self or party.

Region locales supported should be: enUS/enGB/zhCN/zhTW/koKR/deDE/frFR

Added, requires confirmation: esES/esMX/itIT/ptBR/ruRU/ptPT

If it is not working or updated for your region/locales then comment with the names for:

Wo Relic/Urh Relic/Vy Relic/Region and I will add them.

Confirmation of existing langues would also be helpful.

Inspired by/base fork of:
