Simple icon timer for annoying enemy buffs. Also shows EFC debuff stacks for Warsong Gulch and Twin Peaks, and Orb carriers in Temple of Kotmogu.
Plays a pip for low grade buffs (e.g. Blur), an alert for medium grade (e.g. Pillar of Frost), and an alarm for high priority (e.g. Counterstrike Totem)
Easy to add more; duplicate an existing aura and change the trigger aura name or spell ID.
Updated with spell IDs so should work for all languages.
Currently tracking:
EFC debuff stacks, Orb of Power, Netherstorm Flag
Blur, Darkness, Demon Spikes, Demonic Trample, Fiery Brand, Meta, Netherwalk, Spectral Sight
AMS, AMZ, Dancing Rune Weapon, Icebound Fortitude, Pillar of Frost, Remorseless Winter, Vampiric Blood
Barkskin, Brambles, Celestial Alignment, Dash, Frenzied Regeneration, Incarnation Elune, Incarnation King of the Jungle, Ironbark, Ironfur, Stampeding Roar, Survival Instincts, Thorns, Tiger Dash
Aspect of the Cheetah, Bestial Wrath, Feign Death, Posthaste, Turtle
Arcane Power, Combustion, Iceblock, Ice Form, Icy Veins, Temporal Shield
Life Cocoon, Dampen Harm, Diffuse Magic, Fortifying Brew, Karma, Serenity, Storm Earth Fire, Tiger's Lust, Touch of Death
Avenging Crusader, Avenging Wrath, BoF, BoP, BoSac, BoSanct, Crusade, Divine Shield, Eye for an Eye, Holy Avenger, Shield of Vengeance
Archangel, Dark Archangel, Dispersion, Focused Will, Greater Fade, Holy Concentration, Holy Ward, Inner Focus, Luminous Barrier, Pain Suppression, Power Word Barrier, Power Word Shield, Rapture, Void Shift
Cloak of Shadows, Evasion, Plunder Armor, Riposte, Sprint, Veil of Midnight
Ascendance, Astral Shift, Counterstrike Totem, Earth Shield, Earthen Wall Totem, Skyfury Totem, Spirit Link, Stormkeeper
Avatar, Berserker Rage, Bladestorm, Defensive Stance, Die by the Sword, Enraged Regeneration, Last Stand, Rallying Cry, Recklessness, Shield Wall, Spell Reflection, War Banner
Dark Pact, Dark Soul Instability, Dark Soul Misery, Nether Ward, Soulstone, Unending Resolve