Bonus features for Crafting UI:
- In Crafting Orders page, u can Search for Crafters that knows recipe u want to craft and preview theirs skill with materials u selected. (Both You and Crafter need this WA) -- automatically joins 'FindCrafter' chat channel, if this chennel mess with order of you other channels u can '/leave ', '/join FindCrafter' or in Settings/Channels under 'General' chat window change its position, or in Custom Options set longer delay to join this channel
- Unlocks All Reagents (set count to 9999), including optional reagents, used for preview craft details with different mats qualities.
-- !!!WARNING: After this checkbox is used, some parts that works with item count (i.e. 'Create All (x)' button, Personal Orders Listing etc) stops working properly and may throw an LUA error. Reload should help until u use checkbox again - Show result skill if Inspiration proc - sometimes its not enough for next rank even if Inspiration proc or u can check result with different quality of mats
- Add 'Preview Order' button to Crafting Skill Page that opens Crafting Orders and u can check recipes, materials etc anywhere (but creating order works only at crafting order npc in valdraken)
- Alert when new Personal Crafting Order is received (ENG only)
If u getting LUA error with something like 'Cannot find a library instance of "AceHook-3.0".', install Ace3 addon with Addon manager like CurseForge - latest Aplha version is for current patch, or donwload it from and unpack it into Interface/Addons