EoL- 10.0 Paladin: Retribution

EoL- 10.0 Paladin: Retribution



I am building these Weakauras around WoWheads recommended talents. I will continue to update these to cover as many scenarios as possible.

**To resize the Weakaura**

Open Weakauras>>Click on the EoL- ClassName SpecName>> click on the "Group Tab">> "Adjust Group Scale"


I am updating these Weakauras often to be a little more streamlined or to include other features or cooldowns. I highly recommend using the Weakaura Companion to keep up to date, or you can check back for new versions.

If you have suggestions or issues please feel free to contact at

Discord- SmolderingEgo#5030

If you enjoy the Weakaura please consider giving it a star :)

Check out my other Weakauras-

Frost Death Knight- https://wago.io/de76CgyYz

Balance Druid- https://wago.io/NBYU4Nao4

Guardian Druid- https://wago.io/7jSp1UfVm

Resto Druid- https://wago.io/OLxb0du1I

Evoker- Preservation: https://wago.io/g3Q_-xjRC

Evoker- Devastation: https://wago.io/uSwEPkkuE

Beast Mastery Hunter- https://wago.io/O6xnLqNGR

Mistweaver Monk- https://wago.io/rMbCcLZKV

Windwalker Monk- https://wago.io/j-bRhwaEp

Disc Priest- https://wago.io/H1wNKPI4Q

Holy Priest- https://wago.io/nSM-ryMYz

Shadow Priest- https://wago.io/I30kre4GB

Holy Paladin- https://wago.io/MRRD_d58y

Protection Paladin- https://wago.io/E_tKrE7WR

Retribution Paladin- https://wago.io/1dCwRSIhX

Resto Shaman- https://wago.io/ClskBrAIC