whisper innervate to ert click

whisper innervate to ert click


You should NOT use this aura any more, and just use the built-in ERT whisper.

This aura is only needed by the HEALER who is requesting innervate.

Exorsus Raid Tools is REQUIRED.

So this aura basically hooks into ERT to allow you to send a whisper to a specific person when you click on their innervate.

Within ERT you need to enable a special option:

/ert -> Raid Cooldowns (make sure innervate is enabled) -> appearance -> Other Setup -> Checkmark 'Send Message to chat on Click'.

Once you do this you may need to reload your UI before it works, but once you have that option checked and you import the weak aura, all you need to do is click the ERT cooldown tracker to send a whisper to the person.

If it does not seem to work, try to reload your UI

Balance Druids should use this aura while the healers use my ERT one.