This WA is for anyone wanting to request externals.
Dynamic group, grows up/down from center
Anyone can use the following mouse over macro:
/run local n = UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") and GetUnitName("mouseover") if n then SendChatMessage("External me!","WHISPER",nil,n) end
The above macro will trigger these externals on appropriate specs:
-Blessing of Sacrifice
-Guardian Spirit
-Pain Suppression
-Life Cocoon
For Blessing of Freedom:
/run local n = UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") and GetUnitName("mouseover") if n then SendChatMessage("Freedom me!","WHISPER",nil,n) end
The above macro will trigger Freedom specifically:
-Blessing of Freedom
For Blessing of Protection:
/run local n = UnitIsPlayer("mouseover") and GetUnitName("mouseover") if n then SendChatMessage("Bop me!","WHISPER",nil,n) end
The above macro will trigger Bop specifically:
-Blessing of Protection
You can also use the following non-mouseover character specific macros
/whisper [name-realm] External
/whisper [name-realm] Freedom
/whisper [name-realm] Bop
Anyone can use the WA and macros. Just mouse over the raidframe of the players external they wish to use or use the character specific macro. The player will get a message which will trigger the WA on there end. This will show them the request for an external both on frames and via icon warning. This will remain until the external is applied to the target calling for the external. Once applied to the target requesting the external it will then show the external received, who applied it and it's duration.