Eyasu's Mulligan Trinket - Legion Ready - Weak Aura Suite

Eyasu's Mulligan Trinket - Legion Ready - Weak Aura Suite


Eyasu's Mulligan Trinket - Legion Ready - Weak Aura Suite

* The pictures are shown in dynamic group but are not spread as shown. They are stacked and only show based on which trait is procced.

* Sounds are attached. I recommend setting this to the stat you are hoping for and no sound / a different sound to the non desired stat for easier / quicker reshuffling during combat.

My Battletag is PenCap#1642. Please add me if you have any questions or need help adjusting these auras to fit your needs. Or with any other weak aura questions. Thanks and I hope you enjoy.

This is a collection of 18 auras:

Eyasu's Crit Active Text (text)

Eyasu's Crit Prep Text (text)

Eyasu's Haste Active Text (text)

Eyasu's Haste Prep Text (text)

Eyasu's Mas Active Text (text)

Eyasu's Mas Prep Text (text)

Eyasu's Vers Prep Text (text)

Eyasu's Vers Active Text (text)

Eyasu's Crit Active Icon (icon)

Eyasu's Crit Prep Icon (icon)

Eyasu's Haste Active Icon (icon)

Eyasu's Hate Prep Icon (icon)

Eyasu's Mas Active Icon (icon)

Eyasu's Mas Prep Icon (icon)

Eyasu's Vers Active Icon (icon)

Eyasu's Vers Prep Icon (icon)

Eyasu's Mulligan off CD (icon)

Eyasu's Mulligan on CD* (icon)