Fairest possible split of Zul'Gurub reputation items

Fairest possible split of Zul'Gurub reputation items


Calculates the fairest possible split of the Zul'Gurub reputation items.

You NEED to be the one that collects all the reputation items. (just use any of those autoloot auras)

Lets you post the displayed information in the raidchat. (use it before giving items away, since the aura will keep updating)

Optional Auto roll function: automatically rolls who wins what and posts it in the raidchat (using the lua rnd function and not the ingame version, i wanted to keep it simple)

You can manually override the number of raidmembers in the costum options.

Works in all languages.


-counts the number of bijous, coin sets and excessive coins in your inventory

-calculates the average reputation that every raidmember should get

-distributes the items as fair as possible using the least squares method (minimizes the sum of the differences between the reputation and the average reputation everyone should get)

-optionally shares the extra coins between the persons with the lowest reputation gain, treats them as 1/3 coin set (25 rep) or ignores them

Displayed Information:

1. line: what you have in your inventory

other lines: how many people get which items and how much reputation they gain