

Resets your instance as soon as possible, if you say "!reset" just before zoning out. No more frantic menu-ing while people try to kill you, just zone out and in as fast as you can.

More specifically: It resets instances as soon as your loading screen finishes, if you've said "!reset" in the last 10 seconds.

This script was made for personal use. It is extremely rudimentary and it sucks, but it's a working proof of concept that has already proven very useful.


- add a better way to trigger this than having to say "!reset" out loud

- add a message to show that the "!reset" command was activated, possibly a party message

- make it only work when YOU say "!reset", not anybody

- check if it's trying to reset more than once? works weird with Instance History, but it hasn't locked me out or anything

- check if there isn't some other way to do this better