Feral UI Wotlk

Feral UI Wotlk


Credits to https://wago.io/p/Tiesha -for Combo Point Bar!

Credits to https://wago.io/p/Luxthos -for Resource bar!

Setup for Resolution 2560x1440

Tracks Mangle or Trauma (Arms Warrior) Bleed increase effect.

Demo roar in bear form to show how many units are affected.

Common External CD's added for wotlk eg. Power Infusion, Hysteria

Only shows when Active, except engi gloves+trinket13 shows when usable.

Hyperspeed Accelerators

Potion of Speed

Haste Potion (Budget version)

Trinketslot 1 (13) Usable and on use tracking

Trinketslot 2 (14) Proc tracking

Power Infusion

Unholy Frenzy

Tricks of the Trade

Bloodlust (hunter,alliance,horde)

Racials (draenei,orc,troll)

feral dots uptime, Tiger's Fury and Berserk only when usable or active, not tracking CD's