Tracks mage fire spell crits and displays the spells contained in the ignite stack. Gives you important insight to ensure you're maximizing your Ignite potential!
- Shows first five fire spell crits on mob until the Ignite drops
- Color coded based on single target fire spell effectiveness
- Calculates Ignite contribution and fills bar graph based on damage relative to highest
- Identifies the caster who casted the fire spell
- Displays a 'minus' icon to show partial resists
Potential bugs
- May drop ignite information prematurely if the refresh comes at the last instant
- Damage calculation may not account for all buffs, but relative damage to others will be consistent
- Does not account for mages who are not spec'd into Ignite
- You must be targeting the mob when the first fire crit happens for any information to be displayed
- Feel free to check [Load -> In Encounter] to limit display to bosses only
By Crono
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