Fire Crit Ignite Tracker

Fire Crit Ignite Tracker


Tracks mage fire spell crits and displays the spells contained in the ignite stack. Gives you important insight to ensure you're maximizing your Ignite potential!


- Shows first five fire spell crits on mob until the Ignite drops

- Color coded based on single target fire spell effectiveness

- Calculates Ignite contribution and fills bar graph based on damage relative to highest

- Identifies the caster who casted the fire spell

- Displays a 'minus' icon to show partial resists

Potential bugs

- May drop ignite information prematurely if the refresh comes at the last instant

- Damage calculation may not account for all buffs, but relative damage to others will be consistent

- Does not account for mages who are not spec'd into Ignite


- You must be targeting the mob when the first fire crit happens for any information to be displayed

- Feel free to check [Load -> In Encounter] to limit display to bosses only

By Crono

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