A basic group that does the following.
- Tracks Rune of Power (Shows if you're standing in your RoP)
- Tracks Rune of Power time left
- Tracks potion buff (Both of them)
- Tracks if you're missing potion during combustion
- Tracks your Front of Power buff
- Tracks your Notorious Gladiator's Badge buff
- Shows a timer for your Notorious Gladiator's Badge cooldown (Internal on use trinket CD) when there's 10 seconds left (Should start using Lucid at 4-5 secs)
- If you don't have Notorious Gladiator's Badge as your trinket, it will then still function as a normal tracker for the rest of the buffs, and for tracking.
- Shows when there's 3 seconds left till your Notorious Gladiator's Badge is off cooldown (When you should start using RoP and Lucid) when you are in combat
- Shows your GCD on a progress bar
- Shows your Blaster Master Stacks
- Shows a glowing icon for a couple of seconds when Overwhelming Power procs
- Shows Counterspell icon, and plays a drop sound when you no longer have Fire Blasts left, and Counterspell is off cooldown
- Shows Combustion timer ( Might need to move it or change it, as i have it overlay combustion on my actionbar)
- Shows if you're missing Notorious Gladiator's Badge during Combustion
- Shows a glow if target is below 30% health and you're specced into Searing Touch ( I also how this overlaying it on my actionbar)
- Shows Time Warp time left
- If target is under 30%, it will show you, your BM stacks if your BM stacks is under 2 seconds left on its duration