Fistweaver Buffs and Cooldowns

Fistweaver Buffs and Cooldowns


A group of auras for Fistweavers that shows buffs and available key cooldowns.

Cooldowns/Available to Use:

- Grapple Weapon (if you have it)

- Invoke Chi-Ji

- Rising Sun Kick

- Touch of Death (when usable on target)

Buffs (only in Combat):

- Ancient Teachings - will show when not active or <4 seconds left along with a sound at 4 seconds (to remind you to rebuff) and a looping sound if you don't have the buff but you're in combat

- Ancient Teachings - if <4 seconds left or not active, will show Faeline Stomp if available otherwise it will show Essence Font

- Faeline Stomp buff - shows buff and says "MISSING" if you don't have it, similar to Ancient Teachings