Focused Growth Tracker(Stacks+Timer) / PvE LB! By Knivze & Axphixiate of Tichondrius

Focused Growth Tracker(Stacks+Timer) + LB(pve) tracker The focused growth also tracks LB time remaining. It will also glow when its time to reapply Lifebloom.

If you need to change the position of the WA - Just un-anchor it to party frames in Group > uncheck group by frame. If you want to move it else where and want names showing just click "show" Text 3 %2.unitName under display tab (for each one FG Player and FG party1-3) . For PvE it will just show the Aura next to whomever you have it on with a LB timer, no stacks. If you decide to move the frames also turn on "show text" under display for "LB for PVE " Yea party4 is kinda useless but whatevs!