Updated for Antorus raid.
Including the new legendary helm, T20 2 piece (Frozen Mass) buff and sound for when icicles are at 3 stacks so you save flurry for Glacial Spike, along with all frost legendaries.
Works perfectly with TV build also.
Fire WA: https://wago.io/ryzukssUW
This is a collection of 24 auras:
Frozen Orb (icon)
Frozen Orb CD (icon)
Ebonbolt (icon)
Ebonbolt CD (icon)
Chain Reaction (icon)
Icy Veins (icon)
Icy Veins CD (icon)
Spellsteal2 (icon)
fof1 (progresstexture)
fof2 (progresstexture)
fof3 (progresstexture)
fof4 (progresstexture)
fof5 (progresstexture)
fof6 (progresstexture)
Brain Freeze Frost (texture)
Freezing Rain (icon)
Frost bracer (icon)
Lady Vashj 2 (icon)
Icicles (text)
IciclesSound (text)
SFOS (icon)
ROTFW (icon)
GS (icon)
Frozen Mass (icon)