Fubar's Mana And Health Watcher

Fubar's Mana And Health Watcher


Puts A Chat Output In Any Of The Three Chat Location's /P (Party), /R (Raid), And/Or /E (Emote). A 15%, 25%, 50% Mana Display In Blue Over Your Toon Icon Along With A 15% Health Display In Red.

/P (Party) Disabled By Default, Enable By Unticking The Checkbox ☑ Next Too Never On The Load Page. People Seemed To Complain When It Was In Party Chat.

/R (Raid) Disabled By Default, Enable By Unticking The Checkbox ☑ Next Too Never On The Load Page. People Seemed To Complain When It Was In Raid Chat.

/E (Emote) Enabled By Default, Disable By Ticking The Checkbox ☑ Next Too Never On The Load Page.