Aura to assist with fishing for Noggenfogger Feather buff (slow fall)
I was using a lot of Noggenfoger Elixirs when farming Zul Gurub for Bijous and felt I could improve my experience with an aura
What does it do
It adds an Icon below your buff bar that tracks three things
- Elixir cooldown
- Remaining elixirs
- Elixirs used before getting the feather buff
Makes a sound when getting the feather buff
Prints the 'streak' if elixis used before getting the buff to guild if you click it (You have to love those 25+ streaks…)
I use it together with this macro
/use Noggenfogger Elixir
/run if not InCombatLockdown() then local u,i="player",1 repeat local id=select(10, UnitBuff(u,i)) if id==16591 or id==16595 then CancelUnitBuff(u,i) end i=i+1 until not id end