Shows a Rend icon when all conditions are met to safely use Rend on your next GCD.
- no Slam! buff active
- more than 1.5s left on the cooldown of BT
- more than 1.5s left on the cooldown of WW
- no Rend active on the target
- not in Execute phase
Use the following spammable macro to automatize swapping to Battle Stance, using Rend and swapping back to Berserker Stance (also unqueues any HS or Cleave when you swap back to not accidentally rage starve yourself).
/castsequence reset=3 Battle Stance, Berserker Stance, nil
/cast Rend
/stopcasting [stance:1]
Similar Overpower macro:
/castsequence reset=3 Battle Stance, Berserker Stance, nil
/cast Overpower
/stopcasting [stance:1]
*If your action bars change based on stances, make sure to put the macro on the same bind for both stances.