Fury Warrior [Khakhan]

Fury Warrior [Khakhan]


This aura set is meant to give you as much information as you need without an overload of glow recommendations.

Here is a list of things that might not be clear from watching the GIF a few times.

  • The light blue bar below the Rage bar indicates how many stacks of Whirlwind are active. It turns bright red at 1 stack remaining.

  • The orange line on the Rage bar is an indicator for how much a Rampage will cost.

  • Rage bar colors are: dark red, up until 80 range. Orange for 80 -> Max Rage. Yellow for max rage. (Can be changed in conditions)

  • The blue "Not Enraged" bar is simply to remind you that you aren't enraged.

  • The thin purple bar below the Rage bar warns you if the GCD isn't being used.

Here are my Arms & Prot WA sets

Arms War

Prot War

Fury Macros

All big CD's in one GCD. /use 13 and 14 are trinkets. Trinkets with a cast time break the macro.

showtooltip Recklessness

/cast Avatar

/cast Recklessness

/use 13

/use 14

/cast [@player] Spear of Bastion

Charge, Intervene & Rampage

Intervene if you have a friendly moused over or targeted

Charge (my primary use)

cast Rampage if you can


/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help]Intervene

/stopmacro [help]


/cast Charge

/cast Rampage



DF v3.5 - Avatar CD is now shown if you have Anger Management talented. Onslaught now glows if Rampage is not usable and Onslaught is off CD.

DF v3 - Onslaught and Ravager now work together. Stance reminder added. Added some Fury macros

Dragonflight v2 - Visual refinement. Removed GCD bar, fixed the "not GCD" bar. Fixed Execute CD.

Dragonflight v1 - Initial