This aura set is meant to give you as much information as you need without an overload of glow recommendations.
Here is a list of things that might not be clear from watching the GIF a few times.
The light blue bar below the Rage bar indicates how many stacks of Whirlwind are active. It turns bright red at 1 stack remaining.
The orange line on the Rage bar is an indicator for how much a Rampage will cost.
Rage bar colors are: dark red, up until 80 range. Orange for 80 -> Max Rage. Yellow for max rage. (Can be changed in conditions)
The blue "Not Enraged" bar is simply to remind you that you aren't enraged.
The thin purple bar below the Rage bar warns you if the GCD isn't being used.
Here are my Arms & Prot WA sets
Fury Macros
All big CD's in one GCD. /use 13 and 14 are trinkets. Trinkets with a cast time break the macro.
showtooltip Recklessness
/cast Avatar
/cast Recklessness
/use 13
/use 14
/cast [@player] Spear of Bastion
Charge, Intervene & Rampage
Intervene if you have a friendly moused over or targeted
Charge (my primary use)
cast Rampage if you can
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help]Intervene
/stopmacro [help]
/cast Charge
/cast Rampage
DF v3.5 - Avatar CD is now shown if you have Anger Management talented. Onslaught now glows if Rampage is not usable and Onslaught is off CD.
DF v3 - Onslaught and Ravager now work together. Stance reminder added. Added some Fury macros
Dragonflight v2 - Visual refinement. Removed GCD bar, fixed the "not GCD" bar. Fixed Execute CD.
Dragonflight v1 - Initial