GDF SW package(by momo)

GDF SW package(by momo)




GDF SW package

Support Languages

  1. zhCN
  2. en
  3. zhTW (by 低调的米饭)
  4. koKR (by 牛蛋做个人吧)



  1. Glow the unit which is the target of Fel Lightning
  2. Glow the units which are effected by Mind flay
  3. Glow the unit which is effected by Ignite mana if you are priest or paladin
  4. Glow the units which are effected by Slaying shot
  5. Glow the unit which is the target of Bear Down
  6. Remind to interrupt or dispel on nameplate if you can
  7. Remind to cast Levitate if you are a priest
  8. (Melee only) Remind jump to avoid Levitate Damage
  9. (Melee and priest only) Show the timer of domination


  1. Display the effect of Wild magic on the player
  2. Glow the unit which is the target of Frost Breath
  3. Glow the unit which is the target of Shadow Bolt Volley
  4. Glow the units which are effected by Corrupting Strike
  5. Glow the units which are effected by Curse of Boundless Agony and change the glow color base on the debuff remain time
  6. Show the timer of Arcane Buffet CD
  7. Show the timer of portal CD
  8. Show the health bar of boss (Sync with KalecgosSync author Ripper)
  9. Show the buff stack of Arcane Buffet


  1. Show the timer of Meteor Slash CD
  2. Show the timer of Stomp CD with millisecond-level
  3. Glow the units which are effected by Burn and change the glow color base on the debuff remain time —— Lower than 800 green, 1600 yellow, 3200 red. Turn black if the max damage will over 4000.
  4. Say to nearby if you are effected by Burn


  1. Show the cast timer of Gas Nove
  2. Glow the unit which is effected by Corrosion
  3. Glow the units which are effected by Demonic Vapor
  4. Glow the unit by target target which is effected by Encapsulate ,say to nearby if you are effected or remind you are so close to the Encapsulate (Only work if target is boss)
  5. (Options: If you don't want to target boss) Glow the unit by unit target which is effected by Encapsulate

Eredar Twins

  1. Glow the unit which is effected by Conflagration
  2. Glow the unit which is the target of Conflagration . Remind you and say to nearby if you are the target of Conflagration .
  3. Glow the unit which is the target of Shadow Nove
  4. Glow the units which are effected by Dark Strike and the debuff stack above 3
  5. Glow the units which are effected by Flame Sear
  6. Show the stack of Dark Touched or Flame Touched on player
  7. Show the timer of Shadow Blades CD
  8. Remind you if you are effected by burn
  9. Remind you if your Flame Touched debuff stack above 6
  10. Remind to dispel if you can


  1. Dark glow the units which are effected by Darkness
  2. Glow the unit which is the target of Void blast
  3. Remind to throw Grounding Totem if you are shaman
  4. Show the timer of Dark Friend CD if you are shaman or priest
  5. Remind to run away if you are too closed to the target of Black Hole or effected by Darkness and say to nearby
  6. Remind to run away if you are the target of Darkness and say to nearby
  7. Remind to run away if you are effected by darkness
  8. (Options)Darkness timer
  9. (Options)Remind to cast Spell Reflection
  10. (Options)Void Spawn Auto Mark
  11. (Options)Boss fight 3:58 timer
  12. Show the Flurry buff on nameplate


  1. Glow the unit which is effected by Fire bloom
  2. Glow the unit which is the target of Fire bloom
  3. Glow the units which are effected by Soul Fray
  4. Glow the unit which is the target of Legion lighting
  5. Show the CD of Darkness of a Thousand Souls
  6. Show the process of Armageddon. Remind you if the target of Armageddon is nearby.
  7. Show the buff icon of Breath and Shield
  8. (Options)Remind to cast shield while the remain time of Darkness of a Thousand Souls is lower than 5 second.
  9. Remind to dispel renew on nameplate if you can
  10. (Options)Show the process of Shadow Spike
  11. (Options)Show the process of Fire Bloom on you
  12. (Options)Show the health bar of Shield Orb



  1. 高亮机器人弹弹乐的目标
  2. 高亮中精神鞭笞的单位
  3. 为牧师、骑士高亮中法力燃烧的单位
  4. 高亮中斩杀射击的单位
  5. 高亮影刃卫士冲压的目标 6.小怪恢复驱散、神圣新星打断、疯狂驱散提示
  6. 影刃卫士漂浮术提示(仅牧师载入)
  7. 地震伤害规避提示(可选)
  8. 天堂路统御计时条(可选,仅牧师)


  1. 显示玩家身上狂野魔法的效果
  2. 高亮冰霜吐息的目标
  3. 高亮暗影箭雨的目标
  4. 高亮中腐蚀打击的单位
  5. 高亮中无边苦痛诅咒的单位,并根据剩余时间改变高亮颜色
  6. 显示奥术打击CD
  7. 显示传送CD和计数
  8. 提示玩家自己奥术打击层数并在超过7层时报警
  9. 显示内外场血量boss血量(数据会和KalecgosSync 作者 Ripper同步)


  1. 显示流星打击CD
  2. 毫秒级精准显示践踏CD和计数
  3. 高亮中燃烧的单位,并根据剩余时间改变高亮颜色。燃烧低于800时绿色,1600黄色,3200红色,预计超过4000涂黑
  4. 当玩家中燃烧时,喊话通知周围队友


  1. 显示毒气新星施法条
  2. 高亮中腐蚀的单位
  3. 高亮中恶魔蒸汽的单位
  4. 高亮被点名压缩的单位,若玩家被点名,则喊话通知周围队友, 若离点名单位过近,进行提示(需要有boss单位)
  5. 通过目标的目标高亮被点名压缩的单位(可选)


  1. 高亮燃烧读条的目标
  2. 高亮中燃烧的单位并如果是自己自动提醒喊话通知队友
  3. 高亮烈焰灼热或者烈焰打击超过7层的目标
  4. 显示玩家自己的暗影触摸和烈焰触摸层数
  5. 高亮暗影新星的目标
  6. 高亮中暗影打击并且层数超过3层的单位
  7. 显示暗影之刃CD
  8. 若踩火提示跑开
  9. 提示玩家自己烈焰触摸层数并在超过7层时报警
  10. 高热驱散提示


  1. 涂黑中黑暗的目标
  2. 高亮虚空冲击的目标
  3. 如果玩家是萨满,提示插根基
  4. 为牧师和萨满显示黑暗魔CD
  5. 若黑洞点名在15码内提示跑开
  6. 若踩黑水提示跑开
  7. 如果你能打断在姓名版提示打断
  8. 如果你能驱散在姓名版提示驱散
  9. 黑暗计时条(可选)
  10. 虚空冲击盾反提示(可选)
  11. 小胖子自动标记(可选)
  12. 3:58计时(可选)
  13. 在姓名版显示乱舞


  1. 高亮火焰之花的目标
  2. 高亮中火焰之花的单位并如果是自己喊话通知队友
  3. 高亮中灵魂鞭笞的单位
  4. 高亮弹弹乐的目标
  5. 显示千魂CD
  6. 末日决战目标在8码内时提示躲避,目标是玩家时喊话提醒周围队友
  7. 显示龙息、护盾
  8. 开盾提示(可选)
  9. 姓名版恢复驱散提示
  10. 暗影之刺剩余时间提示(可选)
  11. 自身火花剩余时间提示(可选)
  12. 宝珠血量提示(可选)




5 急迫告警


  1. 菲米丝 毒气新星施法条(空袭AirHorn, 仅牧师和治疗)
  2. 双子 燃烧点自己(空袭AirHorn + 喊话)
  3. 基尔加丹 千魂之暗计时条(空袭AirHorn)

4 告警


  1. 卡雷苟斯 中腐蚀打击的单位(紫色)
  2. 布鲁塔卢斯 燃烧剩余时间小于10秒(红色)
  3. 布鲁塔卢斯 燃烧最大伤害超过4000(黑色)
  4. 菲米丝 中腐蚀的单位(红色)
  5. 菲米丝 中压缩的单位(浅蓝色) 压缩单位在20码内(打击声Bam) 压缩单位不在20码内(枪击声Gunshot) 压缩单位是自己(Protected 用于无敌/冰箱/化石 + 喊话)
  6. 菲米丝 玩家被点名恶魔蒸汽(喊话)
  7. 双子 燃烧施法目标(红色)
  8. 双子 玩家踩火(打击声Bam)
  9. 双子 暗影新星施法目标(紫色)
  10. 穆鲁 踩黑暗的单位(黑色) 玩家踩黑暗(打击声Bam + P2喊话)
  11. 穆鲁 黑洞在15码内(打击声Bam) 玩家自己被点名黑洞喊话
  12. 基尔加丹 玩家进入了蓝龙之盾(保护声Protected)
  13. 基尔加丹 玩家中了火焰之花(喊话)

3 警戒


  1. 卡雷苟斯 玩家自己奥术打击层数超过7层(吸气声Gasp+高亮图标)
  2. 双子 玩家烈焰触摸超过6层(吸气声Gasp+高亮图标)
  3. 其他团队框架高亮

2 咨询


  1. 卡雷苟斯 玩家中狂野魔法(专注提示声Focus)
  2. 双子 玩家黑暗触摸超过6层(嘟嘟声Sonar)
  3. 双子 暗影新星开始施法(专注提示声Focus)
  4. 穆鲁 虚空冲击插根基提示(专注提示声Focus, 仅萨满)
  5. 基尔加丹 末日决战计时条(提示声Focus + 每一发陨石嘟嘟声Sonar)

1 备忘


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