GearCheck is a WeakAura for WotLK Classic that you can share with your raid that lets you inspect them from anywhere in the world. Both players need the WeakAura installed.
Perfect for PUG groups! No more waiting to meet up at the Dalaran bank!
How to Use
- Import the WeakAura and share it with your party/raid.
- Open your Character Pane
- With the chat edit box open, Shift+Click the GearCheck link button at the top right of your Character Pane
- This will create a clickable link in chat.
- Other users with the WeakAura can click this link to get a UI popup showing all equipped gear.
Source code for GearCheck is licensed under the GPLv3
Primary source code for GearCheck can be found here:
- Authors: sep, raine
- Some code has been re-used from WeakAuras2 (chat links)