General Mage cooldowns

General Mage cooldowns


to be used with my fire mage WA.

Counterspell (icon)

Ice Block 1 Charge (icon)

Ice Block CD (icon)

Invisibility CD (icon)

Time Warp (icon)

Incanter's Flow 5 (icon)

Incanter's Flow 4 (icon)

Incanter's Flow 1-3 (icon)

MI Rdy (icon)

MI CD (icon)

RoP Rdy (icon)

RoP CD (icon)

Ice Floes Stack 1 (icon)

Ice Floes Stack 2 (icon)

Ice Floes Stack 3 (icon)

Ice Floes CD (icon)

Ring of Frost CD (icon)

Shimmer 0 Charges (icon)

Shimmer 1 Charge (icon)

Shimmer 1 charge (texture)

Time Warp Active (icon)