Gismo's Teea Danger Alerts - Edits by Gismodruid

Gismo's Teea Danger Alerts - Edits by Gismodruid


A frequently updated version of Teea's Danger Alerts maintained by Gismodruid

Tracks all major CDs and winconditions and their targets.

I will push updates here whenever I see something missing or something's reported to me. Red means big burst. Yellow means considerate damage and any other symbol is just there to warn of the same. Most Win conditions are tracked.æ Please let me know if anything's missing or any bugs occur. I update as often as I can.

Credit to Teea for the base Weakaura I built this from.

Credit to vSunlightv and Sakiwow for helping me with their unending game knowledge about bursts and win conditions.



Teaa Changelog fixes by Gismo:

-Fixed the incarn checker.

-Removed rune of power from mages.

-Made Serenity always max danger.

-Made Combustion max danger without rune of power.

-Added Augmentation evoker (Only checks the Scales, since these are used whenever they burst)

to track or even if they work in this way)

-Added Sophic Devotion to the DH tracker, in case they use the other weapon enchant.

-Added Trueshot for hunters (Target name fixed but uses a different solution.)

Added Tyrant checker.

Added Explosive shot at medium danger from MM hunters.

Added correct pala tracking for burst.

-Added Correct burst for Pala

- Added flagellation and correct oneshot tracking for subrogues


Added Assassination Rogue burst. Added Reprimand at danger level 2


- Added Ray of Frost to frost mages.

- Corrected Arms Warrior Burst. (All combos are now red alert whilst any major CD on its own is dangerlevel 2)

- Avatar now takes precedence and shows over the others. Corrected the order of the spells showing up to be more accurate.


Fixed Ray of Frost so it shows next to Icy Veins instead of replacing eachother


- Added primordial wave to ele shamans.

- Fixed Sub rogue burst so Flag doesn't get overwritten when they're trying to oneshot.


- Added primordial wave to ele shamans.

- Fixed Sub rogue burst so Flag doesn't get overwritten when they're trying to oneshot.

- Soul rot Fixed

- Dark Glare added for Affliction

- Removed all the Shadowlands stacks and odd unneeded stuff from locks

- Added Havoc Tracking

- Added Observer tracking for warlocks.

- Removed Arcane Power from Arcane mages

- Removed Rune of Power from Arcane Mages

- Removed Clearcasting from Arcane Mages

- Added Arcane Surge to Arcane Mages

- Fixed Coordinated Assault



Quick wingfix. Check earlier patchnote for all the changes.


Removed Icefury stacks since they haven't been relevant in forever. Other changes are in "Versions" patchnotes. This shouldn't affect anything else (Hopefully)


Soulrot (Affliction Warlock fixes.) Check earlier versions for a more comprehensive changelog.


- Fixed Assassin Rogue Spelltracking (Echoing reprimand now shows the target whilst active)

- Adrenaline Rush and Dance fixed for Outlaw Rogue, red when they're combined and yellow if one or the other is on

- Added Primordial Wave to Enhance Shamans

- Hyperthermia added as danger level 2 to Fire mages

- Grimoire Felguard tracker when summoned for Demonology locks

- Infernal tracker for Destru locks

- Dark Angel added for Priests

This version could possibly still be bugged, proceed with caution. Lots of new added stuff!


Made Psyfiend into its own group so it makes a seperate square due to the danger of psyfiend

Made Ray of Frost into a seperate icon

added Healing tide totem as a seperate group.

Removed the Demonology procs that were there from Shadowlands but that are insignificant now

FIXED POSITIONING. Should no longer be annoyingly away from the centre.


Quick Shadow Dance seperator for different rogues so they shouldn't overlap as if there's multiple rogue prios.


Fixed Wings for paladins. The weakaura is now in a stable condition and no major changes will be added for a little while unless major bugs are found. This is version 1.1.0 For now. Feel safe downloading this one.

Paladin wings are now tracked correctly. Danger level 2 for avenging wrath. If final Reckoning is applied to your team whilst wings are active, wings will go red and activate level 3 danger.


Crusade hotfix. Now I'll take a break on the updates unless something crucial is missing!


Quick patch for Sub rogue spell priority.


- Fixed Avatar For non English speakers, Not a crucial update since collossus smash was still showing if the name wasn't avatar in their game, and that has the bulk of the damage

- Made Colossus smash show before Avatar for the same reason. Colossus is when the big damage hits. Avatar still shows after.