In case anyone was still using this, it can all be done without custom code now.
I updated this one in case you want an example. See Actions for the glow settings.
10Dec 2018 - Added extensive settings in the new Custom Option tab.
This addition opens up a lot of possibilities for having multiple glows for different things, potentially even occurring at the same time. If you do use the Aura in this overlapping way you should use the Pixel or Shine options as they allow for the specific glow to be stopped,leaving others that might be running to run until they ought to stop. The "normal" glow can't do that - though I doubt anyone would use that in situations where you might have overlapping glows anyway.
11Nov - Updated to work with WA 2.9. Added options to `Actions - On Init` for the alternate glow effects now available.
Trigger 1 is an aura - group trigger. Change the buff/debuff to the one you want and set the aura-type as appropriate. The aura will make your raid frame glow for anyone that gets the buff/debuff
Works with all major raid frames.
Updated to use Buds's Generic Frame Finder